Monday 4 February 2013

High Camp and Pantomime

I often write about the strange and bizarre life of a Conservative Party Agent, but today my job hit new heights of campness, with more than a touch of bizarre!

In between fielding calls about The Gays, I arranged for Danny La Rue's dressmaker, Annie Galbraith, to be guest speaker at the Tunbridge Wells Conservative Ladies' Annual Lunch.  There was something ironic (and quite delicious) that whilst the retired majors called in to express their disgust, I was on the other line arranging for the former assistant to Britain's most famous cross dresser to entertain their wives with fruity back stage gossip.

But if you think that it couldn't get any camper - think again...

Having secured Annie's agreement to speak, she added, "would you mind if I brought a friend with me for moral support? He was a great friend of Danny's and whenever Danny was in pantomime he would play one of the Ugly Sisters".

I'm almost tempted to organise a singalong, I can see it now, fifty of Tunbridge Wells' finest Tory ladies, surrounded by Danny La Rue's sequined taffeta frocks being led into a hearty of chorus of Oh! What a Beauty by a semi-retired Pantomime Dame.

I wouldn't miss it for the world - would anyone like to buy a ticket?

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